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Vision, Mission, and Values


Caleb's Coffee would like to see a world where all farmers are paid respectably for their labor, and where high-quality produce is in turn available to consumers at an affordable price. Caleb's Coffee works to make this a reality by importing specialty coffee beans from around the world to Athens County and roasting them to exquisite perfection. Furthermore, Caleb's Coffee maintains a firm commitment to moral principles, by sourcing exclusively organically-grown and fairly-traded beans, using sustainable packaging*, and actively engaging in education and philanthropy.

Explore this site to learn more About Caleb's Coffee, or to Learn About Coffee in general.


*note: Caleb's Coffee is currently packaged in plastic freezer bags. Moving to using compostable coffee bags instead is the primary short-term goal, but unlike freezer bags which are available at any grocery store, these more environmentally-friendly packages must be bought by the thousands. You can help move this faster, for example, by purchasing a subscription to Caleb's Coffee Club. Hopefully, we'll see some new, compostable packaging soon!

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