Caleb's Coffee
Fresh Roasted Specialty Beans
Serving the Athens, Ohio Area
Origins and seasonality
Specialty coffees are like fine wines. Each different origin -- really, each different farm in each year -- can have completely different characteristics. The seasonality seen with produce in the garden or farmers' market is also evident in specialty coffee. Different regions around the world harvest their crops at different times, and many crops consist of micro-lots from small farms, so the selections from Caleb's Coffee are constantly changing and always interesting. Often I will find a particular coffee and decide it's the best one I've ever tasted, and later I'm sad when it runs out. And then I manage to find another crop that's even better!
Feel free to explore this web site to learn more about Caleb's Coffee and coffee in general. Here are some interesting pages to start with:
Social media users can also find Caleb's Coffee on Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like a suggestion about which beans are best for you. Enjoy your brew!
About Caleb's Coffee
Caleb's Coffee aims to bring the finest specialty coffees from around the world to Athens County, Ohio and roast them to exquisite perfection, doing so with a social, ecological, and cultural conscience.
The role of the local coffee roaster

Athens is home to a vibrant local food movement, including an expanding farmers' market and a long list of restaurants, stores, and producers committed to creating a stable food economy in southeast Ohio. Coffee is different from many of our favorite food crops because, as a perennial tropical plant, it can't grow in the continental United States. All coffee is imported, but that's okay because the main determining factor in the quality of coffee is the freshness of the roast. Green coffee beans are shelf-stable for a few years, but after roasting, the quality declines rapidly. That's where the art of the local coffee roaster comes in -- an art form that I love and which I am happy to share with you.
Bags of beans, a pile of pawpaws, my well-loved fiddle, and a hibiscus flower.
I took this photo right before leaving to play fiddle with a bluegrass band at the 2014 Ohio Pawpaw Festival. The pawpaws were found in the woods behind my house a couple minutes prior, and the hibiscus had just fallen from the tree.